Most contractors leave the rebar laps exposed to the environment without any protection in on-site construction. Corrosion damage of the rebar is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, as it is a major problem that affects the characteristics of the reinforced concrete structures. In this research paper attention is drawn on the environmental corrosion of the rebar laps, how the exposure to the environment influences the rebar laps, and ways of protecting it from corrosion. Moreover this research is based to find out how the plastic dip method can help in the protection of the rebar laps. And also to see how this method differs from other methods, and why this method can be a possible solution to the problem. The research was done through some experimentation and the results were evaluated by visual observation. The research has brought a conclusion that the protection of exposed rebar laps at construction sites with the plastic dip paint is in fact a user friendly and economical solution for the problem.
Corrosion; Rebar laps, Plastic dip paint, User friendly, Economical, visual observation.