This study investigates the use of industrial wastes like Fly Ash (FA), Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag (GGBS), and Quartz Powder (QP) as alternatives to cement, and Copper Slag (CS) as fine aggregate in Geopolymer blocks (GPB). The mix ratio of 1:3 one part of the binder and 3 parts of copper slag, 8M, and 10M of NaOH, and Na2SiO3 solutions are used as Alkaline Activator Solution (AAS). Two types of Geopolymer blocks GPB1 (Mortar Blocks) and GPB2 (Aerated Geopolymer Blocks) are produced. The binders of FA, GGBS, QP, and fine aggregate of CS are tested to find fineness, specific gravity, and absorption capacity. A suitable percentage of binders and CS are added together and dry-mixed in a mortar mixing machine for each mix separately. The fresh mix of GPB1 and GPB2 is placed in the moulds, compacted and placed in an oven at 60°C-70°C for 24 hours. The compressive strength of GPB1 and GPB2 mixes are found performing compression testing, the maximum compressive strength of 82.50 MPa is achieved when 100% of GGBS in mortar and 10.54MPa is achieved when 70% of FA and 30% of QP is used. Aerated Geopolymer block GPB2 M1 shows a better compressive strength of 12.66 MPa in oven curing after 24 hours, and 10.95MPa after ambient curing for 7 days. The increase in GGBS in GPB1 Mortar1 increases the compressive strength, and the increase in QP in GPB1 Mortar2 increases the compressive strength but it is very low as compared to GPB1 Mortar1.
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