This project mainly focuses on an autonomous assistive robot for healthcare application that is developed to dispense medications to the individual patients in the patient care facility. This autonomous line-follower robot is able to detect and follow the line drawn on the floor while driving through the facility with the ability to stop when it faces obstacles. The source of energy supply to the whole robot is fed from the power supply through the ESP32 microcontroller that is programmed using C++ with infrared sensors connected to the board for sensing the drawn line. The ultrasonic sensors are used to detect any obstacles on their way and put the robot at a halt condition with an alarm indicating the obstacle occurrence. The robot will stop at the junction to dispense the medicine for 10 seconds before proceeds to the next station. After the medicine has been dispensed, a confirmation message will be sent out from CallMeBot API in Telegram to acknowledge the medical staff on the successful delivery of the medicine to each patient. The result presented the experimental data on the path line application and the obstacle detection to demonstrate the efficiency of the application.
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