One of the main concerns in distributed generation is the existing weak electrical grid infrastructure, especially in old and undeveloped areas. In this paper, a 5 MW photovoltaic power plant with high penetration coefficient which is connected to a long 95 km feeder is simulated and experimentally studied in order to investigate the effect of using automatic voltage regulator (AVRs) on grid voltage fluctuations. Results show that voltage fluctuation about ±15% is experienced when the plant is connected to the feeder in full capacity in the presence of AVR, in a cloudy day, when sharp changes in production can be observed. As an alternative solution, the plant grid connection is halved into the existing host feeder and another adjacent feeder of the same length and load distribution. In this case, very high penetration coefficient of the plant implies only a slight change in voltage fluctuation, i.e. 0-5%, in point of common coopling (PCC) point, in spite of decreasing the penetration coefficient to half. Therefore, it is found that AVR cannot appropriately overcome the voltage fluctuation problem, due to its inherent working characteristics which is not instantaneously adaptable with generated power changes.
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